Our Staff

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Staff Member Position Affiliations Location
Peter Abbass
Peter Abbass
Director of Physical Therapy
Director of Physical Therapy Patient Advocate, Physical Therapy & Massage Schoellkopf Hall
Eve Abrams
Eve Abrams
Assistant Director of Counseling & Psychological Services, Training and Group Therapy
Assistant Director of Counseling & Psychological Services, Training and Group Therapy Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS), Patient Advocate Level 3
Jennifer E. Austin, MPH
Jennifer Austin
Associate Director of Administrative Services and Director of the Content Engagement Team
Associate Director of Administrative Services and Director of the Content Engagement Team Administration (Senior), Administrative Services, Content Engagement Team, Patient Advocate Level 6
Tammy Bean
Tammy Bean

Billing Manager / Notary Public
Billing Manager / Notary Public Administrative Services, Billing and Finance, Patient Advocate Level 1
Andrea Bort
Andrea Bort
Health Records Supervisor / Privacy Officer
Health Records Supervisor / Privacy Officer Administrative Services, Health Records & Requirements, Patient Advocate Level 6
Kristi Coffelt staff photo
Kristi Coffelt
Director, Clinical Administrative Support
Director, Clinical Administrative Support Nursing & Clinical Support Services, Patient Advocate Level 6
Tracey DeNardo
Tracey DeNardo
Pharmacy Director
Pharmacy Director Patient Advocate, Pharmacy Level 4
Michael Doan
Michael Doan
Nurse Manager
Nurse Manager Nursing & Clinical Support Services, Patient Advocate, Sports Medicine Level 3
Julie Edwards staff photo
Julie Edwards
Director of Skorton Center for Health Initiatives
Director of Skorton Center for Health Initiatives Administration (Senior), Patient Advocate, Skorton Center for Health Initiatives Level 6
Bridget Flanigan staff photo
Bridget Flanigan
Director, Nursing Services
Director, Nursing Services Nursing & Clinical Support Services, Patient Advocate Level 6
Jada Hamilton staff photo
Jada Hamilton
Interim Chief of Clinical Operations and Services / Physician
Interim Chief of Clinical Operations and Services / Physician Administration (Senior), Medical, Patient Advocate, Sports Medicine Level 6
Lauren Nickerson
Lauren Nickerson
Director of Clinical Nutrition / Registered Dietitian Nutritionist
Director of Clinical Nutrition / Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Collaborative Health & Eating Program (CHEP), Medical, Nutrition, Patient Advocate Level 7
Chris Payne staff photo
Christopher Payne
Senior Director, Administrative Services
Senior Director, Administrative Services Administration (Senior), Administrative Services, Patient Advocate Level 6
David Reetz staff photo
David Reetz
Director of Counseling and Psychological Services
Director of Counseling and Psychological Services Administration (Senior), Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS), Patient Advocate Level 6
Tracy Sangprakam
Tracy Sangprakarn
Nurse Manager
Nurse Manager Nursing & Clinical Support Services, Patient Advocate Level 7
Wendy Sicina
Wendy Sicina
Nurse Manager
Nurse Manager Nursing & Clinical Support Services, Patient Advocate Level 4