Sexual Health Campaigns

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Hook-up apps can facilitate spread of STIs

Using online hook-up apps to facilitate connections with sexual partners can pose significant concern related to the spread of STIs, regardless of your sex, gender, or sexual orientation. You may not know if you’ve been exposed. If you connect online, read more: 

  • Be Sex Smart: You typically can't “tell by looking” if someone is infected with an STI. Symptoms may not be present. 
  • Use Protection: Unprotected oral, anal, and vaginal sex can spread STIs. Safer sex products (condoms, lubes, etc.) are available in our pharmacy
  • Get Tested: STIs can cause infertility and other long-term health problems if not diagnosed and treated early. 

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Sexual Health & STIs bulletin board

Sexual health & STIs bulletin board mockup

Gender, Sexuality, and Pleasure

Sexual Pleasure bulletin board

Sexual pleasure bulletin board mockup

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